Building a Movement of Ocean Stewardship


Image © Gareth McCormack

In Ireland we only have just over 9% of our ocean protected. We want to see this increase to at least 30% by 2030.

At Fair Seas we seek to protect, conserve and restore Ireland’s unique marine environment. Our ambition is to see Ireland become a world leader in marine protection, giving our species, habitats and coastal communities the opportunity to thrive.


Write to the ministers

Despite a commitment to introduce vital marine protected area (MPA) legislation nearly a year ago, the government has yet to deliver. 

Take action by writing to Ministers O’Brien and Noonan and urge them to prioritise the MPA bill. It takes just 30 seconds to make an impact by sending your personalised letter using our email tool

Revitalising Our Seas

It’s vital that the Irish government develops strong and ambitious legislation allowing for 30% of Irish waters to be protected within Marine Protected Areas, including strictly protecting 10% of Irish waters to allow life in our ocean to not only survive but recover and thrive.

Read our report that identifies 16 areas of interest for Marine Protected Area designation in Irish waters.

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